August 29

5 Key Ways Our PRO Plan Makes Your Flight School Safer

aircraft-maintenance-safety-3We recently released new PRO plan features that can help improve the safety of your operations.

No account yet? Start your trial today and we’ll show you what Flight Schedule Pro is all about!
Have an account but don’t see these features? You may need to Upgrade to PRO.

What does safety mean to you?

For us, it means getting everyone home safely at the end of the day. We understand our limitations as a software company and we realized we can’t get rid of human error (no matter how hard we tried). Instead, we focused on what we could do; provide every owner, instructor, pilot, and staff member with the tools they need to stay airworthy and compliant.

1. Run Dispatch Checks and Record Aircraft Time

Given our scheduling prowess, we looked here first, this time with safety as our primary focus. With the PRO plan, you can keep a detailed log of flight activity. As flights dispatched are checked back in, aircraft time is kept up-to-date and any maintenance reminders are triggered automatically so everyone is always on the same page. Maintenance status is visible directly from the schedule. You can even define your own dispatch requirements so flights won’t be dispatched with expired maintenance or groundable Squawks. 

2. Setup and Trigger Automatic Maintenance Reminders

The Flight Schedule Pro PRO plan allows you to define maintenance reminders in a way that suits you best by setting custom warning periods. Based on the maintenance needed you can set up date or flight time alerts to be triggered so your team is aware of all upcoming maintenance. Our PRO plan will use the flight time information you log to let you know when maintenance is due. You’ll even be able to see the maintenance status as you schedule new flights.

3. Simple Issue Reporting and Tracking

We’re aware that sometimes flight operations will miss maintenance issues because they don’t get reported. It happens. Our solution? Make reporting issues easier. With the PRO plan, members can report all issues from burned out lights to groundable Squawks. You can even do it straight from your mobile device. Whether the issue simply triggers a new maintenance notification or disables all scheduling and dispatching of the aircraft until resolved, this PRO plan feature is a major key to flight and fleet safety that everyone can have access to.

4. Making maintenance statuses visible to everyone.

You get a maintenance reminder! You get a maintenance reminder! Everybody get’s maintenance reminders! With the PRO plan maintenance statuses are visible to everyone. You’re in control. Toggle maintenance visibility on or off as you see fit and users will see maintenance reminders on the schedule, during booking, and during dispatch. We’re allowing the maintenance status to follow you like a hawk, all in the name of safety. If a flight that is scheduled to go out has upcoming maintenance, wouldn’t it be great if everyone involved was aware? We thought so too.

5. Keep the entire team up-to-date on maintenance status.

With the Flight Schedule Pro PRO plan, your entire fleet’s maintenance status is now visible to you and it’s all in one place. Customize and decide who the maintenance statuses should be available to from renters to owners, students to maintenance staff. And, since we’ve received tons of requests for email maintenance notifications we added that feature to our PRO plan too. Start your morning with peace of mind being able to know the maintenance status of your fleet, delivered right to your inbox.

We built these new features for you. To keep everyone safe.

We want to make your flight operations safer, all in one place, with the Flight Schedule Pro PRO plan.

If you already have an account, upgrade to PRO and start keeping tabs on your whole fleet automatically.

No account yet? Schedule a demo and take your first step toward streamlined flight operations.

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