During interactions with flight schools and collegiate training departments all over the world we’ve heard a common challenge arise repeatedly. “How can I tell when a student is falling behind?”

Chief flight instructors, aviation training program managers, and school owners often have the same question. We also heard questions like, “In this large group of students, how many people are on track, ahead, or are falling behind?”
Flight Schedule Pro’s Training Hub provides digital tracking and record keeping for hundreds of flight schools and thousands of students! After hearing these stories time-and-time again, we knew our objective was to bring flight training operations improved analytics and reporting that would enable better decision making. We also wanted to give flight school operators tools that foster and enable goal-setting with students, because at the end of the day flight training is all about the success of the student and helping them reach their goals.
We’ve made some progress in this arena, and we’re excited to announce our brand new Student progress Tracking Dashboard!
This new feature is available to Training Hub Enterprise subscribers. If you’re already subscribed, this feature is now available in your account.
If you’re interested in a Training Hub demo, please contact us.
Progress Profiles
With the new student progress tracking feature, you have complete control over what’s considered “On Track, At Risk, or Behind”. This is accomplished at the course-level by creating Progress Profiles. These profiles allow you to set lesson-completion and time parameters based on your expected graduation time-frame for different profiles of students.
One example of a progress profile would be for a “6 month Private Pilot”. As you create a progress profile for a course, you also decide which student(s) or groups of students that profile should be applied to. You can also apply a progress profile at the time of enrollment.
However, your choices are not set in stone like the 10 Commandments. You can change your definitions of progress later and we’ll rebuild the dashboard for you automatically.
As students begin their journey, progress reporting and tracking, unique to each individual will illuminate the process.
Instructor & Student View
Students that have been assigned a progress profile have visibility into their current status. Are they on track with the goal, or slipping behind? This is all visible on the Student Course Overview that students have access to.
Instructors can also readily see each student’s progress status from the “Students” tab, and can drill into the detail when viewing the student’s course overview to learn more about how a student may have veered off course (no pun intended!).
Set Goals & Expectations
As with any worthwhile goal, tracking and progress visibility for all parties involved can be the deciding factor as to whether goals are achieved, or not. The sooner you and your team can become aware that a student is falling behind, the sooner necessary changes can be made to move the student toward success.
With the new Student Progress indication and dashboard, you have a powerful set of tools at your finger tips to set goals and expectations for student course completion. We hope you are as excited about that as we are, and we’re excited to hear your feedback on how we can make it even better.